The world’s on fire - no time for mindfulness
‘Yeah, I should probably meditate more. But we just started a new campaign’.
’A coach isn’t a bad idea, but I have a crazy deadline for my article about climate breakdown.
’Yes, I’m tired, but I’ll rest when I’m dead… haha.’
You’ve got so much to do, and you need to do it all. If you stop, the world will perish. You don’t really believe that, of course. But if you dive into your hidden, irrational beliefs, it might not be that far off. (Good to be honest - we can work with that).
As a changemaker, you’re focused on the outside world. You serve a higher purpose, so you are not the priority. As a result, it’s easy to neglect yourself - physically or emotionally. And even if you’re aware of it, it’s no big issue. ‘The system must change - my system will manage‘.
But… you also know things aren’t going great. You feel the weight of your endless to-do list (or to-save list) on your shoulders. Collaborations feel toilsome. Society’s indifference keeps you awake at night. And sometimes it feels like you have no impact at all.
Should you take time off to contemplate? Sit on a cushion and repeat mantras? While the world is on fire? What I find a much more relevant question is this one: what is there is more effective way to change the world?
It’s a paradox: don’t believe you’re too important to tend to yourself for fear of endangering the world, and make yourself more important, because as a result you might end up having more impact.
Does this resonate? But not sure where to start?
Why not book a free exploration session with me, to find out what you need right now, and if one of the The Smart Activist programmes is for you.